Sunday, October 18, 2009

Social Isolation does not equate to Social Inclusion

Had a discussion with a few friends about it this weekend about this issue and im sure that some of you out there has been involved or have witness this kind of social experience.

Have you experienced or noticed a friend who gets into a relationship and once they are in the relationship that they cut all contact with you and all his/her friends? why do people do such a thing when they get into a relationship? is it a natural thing to not talk to your friends anymore?

whats worse is when the friend is out of the relationship they start talking and hanging out to you like everything is back to normal when it clearly isn't.

Why do people do this? dont they know that they have done something wrong by not keeping in touch with their friends and seems to be okay that everything is back to normal? Well clearly they need to know what is right and whats not and if they feel that everything is normal.. you have got to let them earn your friendship again and make sure its back to that level it was before they were in a relationship.

I feel that you need a balance in life. Spending time with the person in the relationship and also have time for your friends. Its not much to ask for and it gives you a good balance by prolonging your relationship and also your friendship.

1 comment:

  1. I've had this happen to me. My whole group and myself... Our highschool friend actually said this to us.. "I would dog all of you guys over [insert boyfriends name here]".

    After highschool, we all pretty much stopped talking to her. She was going through rough patches with her boyfriend at the time and she had no one to talk to. They broke up, she went through a depressed stage... and we've only recently started talking again.

    She's learned her lesson from it all ... and she apologised and told us that she told her current boyfriend that she's never going to make it all about him and he's gotta deal with it.

    But yeah, the friendship isn't the same... but she's still a friend.
